Scientific principles of socket preservation and guided bone regeneration
- 01-24-18
- News
- Tags: azad university, implant, maxillofacial, Surgery
16th international congress of oral and maxillofacial surgery
- 01-24-18
- Congress, News
- Tags: Dr Esmaeelinejad, maxillofacial, Olympic hotel, Surgery
Dear colleagues, audiences
As the previous years, we are very pleased to host you in 16th international congress of oral and maxillofacial surgery on 13th up to 16th of February in 2018.
The progress of scientific achievement, innovation and discovery require updates with the today’s knowledge in any academic field, in medical sciences specifically. This is almost impossible unless the professors and information around the world through this kind of congresses.
You can also participate in 8th international Persian Gulf implant conference simultaneously as well as the 6th symposium on advances of young researchers in this field.
Besides that very interesting scientific experience, you will have the great opportunity to visit one of the most ancient civilizations and archeological remaining that will definitely be incomparable and unforgettable memories for you.
During this time, you will be provided with entertainment and sightseeing tour in order to enjoy your visit.
Looking forward to seeing you in Tehran, Iran
Yours sincerely